Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Deer Versus Coon

This nice big buck is no match for a ferocious coon!

Big Boy Bites The Dust

We've been watching this deer for several months now. RIP!

Neighbor to the East nailed him for me. Dammit! @#%$!!

Oh well that's hunting.

Hog Attack

Hog attacks hunter but ultimately pays the price. Mr. Hog dies from serious gunshot wound.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Big Boy's Days Are Numbered

One of these days (very soon) he is going to make a mistake and slip up.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kudzu Deer's Neck Is Swelling

Getting close to rut.

New Buck On The Scene

This guy looks old to me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gun season starts and the Big Bucks are still here.

Some recent shots of big bucks on the farm.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Big Boy Is Smart

Big Boy is smart as he only seems to show his face well after dark and well after you get your ass out of the way.

By the time you get back to the house and prop your feet up on your milk crate he starts to poke his nose out and give you the big FU#@ You!

Oh well that's the way it goes, you win some you loose some.

Wrong Answer

Cat got a running gear?

Until next time.

Over and out......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Surprise Hog Hunt

It was 7:00 PM on a warm humid 85 degree South Georgia evening as two of the areas greatest hunters were on their way to their deer stands after a hard day at work. They were looking forward to a nice relaxing hour sitting quietly in their stands. They looked forward to this time and generally used it to count their money as they were so busy all day long making it, they had bookoodles of it to count. These two hunters were 10 times over retired rich millionaires, but by looking at them you would never know it. They generally looked like they just fell off the turnip truck. Especially the older one. He has been around so long he used to hunt with Abraham Lincoln.

Enough about these two great hunters for now. It's still the first week of bow season and these guys are hot on the trail of a trophy buck. But this evening the older great hunter, (we'll call him "Easy Money", or "Easy") Easy was on his way to his stand and decided to take a little detour and check out another field. His hunch was right on the money! What he saw instantly raised his blood pressure. But as experienced as he was he had a serious problem. He had no rifle! All he had was an old broke down crossbow that only cocks one arm. You have to aim 6 feet to the right of what your shooting at.

Needless to say Easy Money was a quick thinker and realised that he needs the help of his buddy Chad. He knew Chad is an expert shot with a rifle so he called him on the radidio and told him to get over here ASAP with a rifle.

Minutes later he was there and was quickly debriefed by Easy. The hogs were getting stirred up and the big razor back stated to usher them out of harms way. They knew that the expert sniper was on the scene and they knew they were in trouble.

Chad quickly spotted the largest sow out there and took aim and fired dropping the 250 pound man eating beast where it stood. Amazingly Chad was able to pull off this 220 yard shot like it was nothing. Not only did he make it look easy to drop a hog where it stands, but pulling off a 220 yard "Head Shot"! Now that's expert marksmanship. It's no wonder Easy Money likes to keep him around.

To make a long story longer, it took both of them to load this massive beast into the truck and haul it up to the barn and get it skinned and gutted out. We knew this was a nice fat sow so it was no surprise that she had some babies inside her when we processed her out. :-(

Sunday, September 6, 2009